These are projects posted by the students of Dr. Gove Allen at Brigham Young University. These students have taken one semester-long course on VBA and generally have had no prior programming experience

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Blocked Billing Documents in SAP

I wrote this project for a real world business problem using actual data (only a few lines have been modified as so to trigger at least one instance of each kind of error) from the Michael Foods Inc. (MFI) Blocked Billing Documents (BBD) process. BBD’s are billing documents within SAP that are not clearing properly, when I worked at MFI I inherited the BBD’s and they were a mess. There was no process improvement or education, through my hard work there was a 30% reduction, but they remained for a number of various reasons. I contacted a co-worker and asked for some live data and the documented standard reasons (this will not cover all instances of BBD’s). The BBD’s are supposed to be cleared every day, but there is a tendency to skip clearing BBD’s as some of them hit the BBD list due to timing of behind the scenes process or individuals will catch their own mistakes and correct them. However, once a month all of the BBD’s must be cleared in the accounting process known as “month end close,” before lunch. Failure to close out the month before lunch results in having the comptroller, VP of finance or CFO make a personal introduction to you. Additionally, once a year there is a hard close on a Sunday. This is a time consuming process, and I wanted to automate the process to help cut the time to process BBD’s.

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