These are projects posted by the students of Dr. Gove Allen at Brigham Young University. These students have taken one semester-long course on VBA and generally have had no prior programming experience

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sam's Excel Library Management System - Samuel White

Sam’s Excel Library
Management System

By Samuel White

            Current software solutions for library management systems are expensive.  These systems are typically designed for large libraries and carry a similar cost.  Sam’s Excel Library Management System is designed for small town libraries that are unable to afford the extravagance of a system with all the latest bells and whistles but still need a simple, basic system to manage their library materials.

            The library management system allows management to add and edit materials in their catalog.  Management can change their policy for the number of days each type of material can be checked out before fines begin to accrue.  The rates of these fines can also be changed.  The system stores a list of patrons along with their library numbers and encrypted passwords which allows each patron to log onto the system.  If needed, management can manually add, edit, and delete these patrons.
            The patrons are able to login using an easy-to-use user interface.  Once logged in, they can view their accrued fines, search library materials, and checkout and return books.  They are also able to view and update their personal information.  A similar user interface exists through which new patrons are able to sign up for a library card number and create a password.

1 comment:

  1. I am also trying to do VBA code for our small library in my town. I am very grateful to you, if you share your excel document with me. E-mail ID:


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