These are projects posted by the students of Dr. Gove Allen at Brigham Young University. These students have taken one semester-long course on VBA and generally have had no prior programming experience

Thursday, December 6, 2012

VBA Final Project Summary

Spreadsheet Automation
Jacob Stonehocker        Final Project Write-up                     12/6/2012
Executive Summary
I currently work for the BYU Office of Compliance and Audit and have built a solution to meet a business need within the office. The need for my solution arose because of changes being made to the overall audit strategy within our office.  Audits will now be done using broader populations, which necessitates a way to dissect the population and analyze it across several different categories of transactions based on several different attributes.  There will be an ongoing need for an extensive analysis of the population for each audit; for this reason, I was asked to create a macro that will automate the otherwise long, arduous and divergent process.  

My solution is a set of templates (one for each category of transactions), each one housing a macro, into which one can drop the current year population following the instructions in the template, run the macros, and within minutes have a set of workbooks in a common folder that contain all of the desired analyses, complete with formatted summary tables and graphs.  This will save our department many hours of student employee labor time and will save the full-time staff from having to explain what analysis they want to each new student employee that is given the task.  

The following links are for my full project write-up, Population Summary excel file housing the macros used in my solution, and a flowchart of the process, respectively.

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