These are projects posted by the students of Dr. Gove Allen at Brigham Young University. These students have taken one semester-long course on VBA and generally have had no prior programming experience

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

AutoSplit: Split Expenses for You

Executive Summary


It is always a pain when you have to deal with splitting bills after you get back a great road trip. There may be so many transactions that you have to carefully go through your credit card report and write down them one by one. Sure it’s easy when you split the cost between yourself and one or two friends, but what happens when you have more than five people in the group?

AutoSplit is a great money-sharing calculation tool that makes splitting money simple and easy. You are free to enter as many participants as you want. The whole process is fast and straightforward. Users can also choose from either user interface (user form or spreadsheet) they feel comfortable with to input information and perform calculation. 

System Overview

After entering the names of the money splitting participants, users can either choose to add transactions through a self-explanatory user form, or add directly on a pre-formatted spreadsheet. There are three built-in buttons under the ribbon ‘Expense Calculation’. When users want to add new transaction, start over, or calculate the expense, they can simply click on the corresponding button, and the system will accomplish the functions automatically. The calculation output is a table that clearly demonstrates the money responsibility of each participant. 


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