These are projects posted by the students of Dr. Gove Allen at Brigham Young University. These students have taken one semester-long course on VBA and generally have had no prior programming experience

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Automating Construction Scope Functions

Executive Summary
              The company that this project work was done for requested to remain anonymous, and will be referred to as “Construction Co.” throughout this document. Any information that could reveal the client has been removed, and any real data given has also been removed, leaving a blank template of what would generally include much more information. Construction Co. is a construction company that builds large-scale, specialty buildings around the world, and have a large presence in the United States and in several South American countries. In managing the creation of these specialty buildings, Construction Co. goes through the process of splitting the building project into several smaller projects. Using either their own resources or reaching out third party vendors to do the work, they manage the smaller projects to build high quality buildings, often used by tens of thousands of people each year.

              The goal of this project for Construction Co. was to make the creation of project documentation more streamlined for their management. Construction Co. uses a very specific format for their project documentation and requires each of their project managers to adhere to this format. Prior to the creation of this project, each project manager created and formatted new project documentation by hand, or through creating copies of previous projects and re-formatting them for a new project. To help streamline the project documentation process, sub procedures were created to automate three main functions that are used when creating project documentation at Construction Co. These three main functions include adding a new “scope sheet” to a project, adding a new “bidder” to a scope sheet, and properly recording new scope sheets in the project summary sheet. The scope sheet is used when a piece of a construction project is being hired out to a third party. As bids for the scope are received from third party vendors, a new bidder is added to the scope sheet, along with their forecasted costs. Each new scope is added to a summary sheet and is placed according to whether it is a new scope, meaning that it is already approved for the project, or as an alternate scope, meaning that it is a possible change to the overall scope of the entire project being managed. With these sub procedures in place, the creation time of project documentation for managers at Construction Co. has been drastically reduced.

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