These are projects posted by the students of Dr. Gove Allen at Brigham Young University. These students have taken one semester-long course on VBA and generally have had no prior programming experience

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Lacey Woodfield's Grocery Manager

Executive Summary
The Grocery Manager is a system that helps to organize the general consumer’s shopping list.  Not only does this tool allow shoppers to put together shopping lists with their recipes, but it also provides a compiled record of their recipes by allowing them to input and save recipes in the system.  Then, when they wish to create a grocery list, they can chose from this list of recipes to put together a shopping list.  Further, before printing the list, the user can add other items he or she might need in an “Other Items” section, and these other items will also be added to his or her grocery list.  Finally, when the user has all the recipes and other ingredients that he or she wishes to shop for, he or she can “print” the list and the tool will add together like ingredients, organize them into categories, and prepare the list to be printed out.  This way the user can remove items that he or she already has by looking through each category.  The categories are also useful when shopping at the Grocery Store as items in the store are generally grouped by these same categories.

By using this shopping tool, the user can expect to be able to shop with convenience and not miss ingredients they need for the recipes they wish to make in any given week.

Complete Final Report

Excel file that contains the Grocery Manager

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