These are projects posted by the students of Dr. Gove Allen at Brigham Young University. These students have taken one semester-long course on VBA and generally have had no prior programming experience

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Equity Analysis Tool

The Problem:  

I want to form opinions about publicly traded equities quickly. I participated in a student run investment fund, Global Financial Advisors. I listen to student presentations on firms operating across the market.  We discuss these firms at length.  I like many students, balance listening to the presentation with pulling up financial data, charts, and qualitative information. The financial data is spread across several webpages. The basic data is available, but it isn’t formatted to be intuitively meaningful.
I also like to paper-trade options.  Often the trade is quick and exploits a technical chart pattern.  In this case, as well as the first, it is helpful to have a snapshot of the company that draws a picture of the company fundamentals.  For example, if I see positive signal in the market for the name it would be helpful to know if the company was over-levered first. Conversely, if the name is significantly undervalued I would want to know before selling it.

The Solution:

This workbook consolidates the information that I like to have available to form an opinion about a publicly traded equity.  The primary purpose of this tool is to articulate meaning with the data.  It does this in four ways:
·         It only shows essential data on the main tab.
·         It organizes tables more efficiently.
·         It converts raw data into ratios that convey meaning.
·         It consolidates balance sheet data into charts.  
The fundamental questions it answers is,
            “Should I look at this company further?” & “What should I look at?”
It is not intended to answer the question, “Should I buy this stock?”  So, if you use it in that way it isn’t my fault if you have a bad experience.

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